These spiders are easy to make and are a good way to recycle empty egg cartons. We made a bunch of these and decorated the house with them for Halloween.
- cardboard egg carton
- scissors
- black paint
- paintbrush
- black (or silver) chenille sticks
- googly eyes (and glue if these are not already adhesive)
- black string (optional)
- awl or something to poke holes with
- small piece of red felt or foam (and glue if not already adhesive)
What to do:
- Cut out the cups from a cardboard egg carton.
- With the cup upside down, poke a hole at the top; this will later be used to thread the string through for hanging.
- Poke 4 holes on the right bottom edge and 4 on the left for the legs.
- Paint the entire cup black and allow to dry.
- Cut the chenille sticks into 8 shorter pieces for the legs. I found that cutting each stick in 3 pieces made the legs the correct length. The other option is to cut the pipe cleaner in half and later thread the piece in through a hole on one side and out the corresponding hole on the other side.
- Attach the legs and bend to shape.
- Add wiggly eyes to the front of the spider and small piece of red material for the mouth.
- Thread black string through the hole on top and secure in place if hanging your spiders.
- We had a large spider with bendable legs that we attached to the balusters of a staircase and hung the smaller spiders off the bottom to look like babies weaving a web.