Did you know that we have a famous musical family living right here in our own backyard? Couple Candice Night and Ritchie Blackmore (formerly of Deep Purple and Rainbow) along with their 2 children, 7 year old Autumn and 2 year old Rory call Long Island their home. Night and Blackmore formed their British/American traditional folk rock duo Blackmore’s Night in 1997. Together they have released more than 10 studio albums. Their most recent album is entitled Winter Carols
Autumn Blackmore is a 7 year old with musical talent in her blood. She “wrote” her first song at only 18 months! Her mother, Night, “heard her making up words and music while I was doing laundry outside her room. She had her doll in her arms and was rocking her to sleep in the rocking chair. I videotaped her singing this song. When my producer came I played it for him and we recorded it for the CD [Starlight Starbright]” Night explained. The beautiful blonde little boy in this clip is Night and Blackmore’s son, Rory.
Autumn, and subsequently her brother, have had the chance to travel on tour with their parents all over Europe. Depending on the show, there could well be over 20,000 people in the audience, but growing up on tour, Autumn hasn’t ever shied away from the limelight. Instead, the crowds and fans have become a part of her “normal.” On occasion, she and her brother have been invited on stage. Night states “it’s great because there are a lot of families that come to our shows so they make friends with many other children around the world.”
Night is a native Long Islander who grew up in Hauppauge, which is where she met Blackmore. She was interning with radio station WBAB, who were participating in a charity soccer game against Blackmore and his band. Being English, Blackmore and crew beat them hands down. Night went through the crowd to find Blackmore to congratulate him on his win, and subsequently he asked her out on a date for later that same day. The rest, as they say, is history.
Night is so connected to Long Island that she couldn’t think of living anywhere else. They have been writing music together here for 20 years now. “The beauty of the Island has always been prominent in inspiration for us. From walking along the shore in our song “Spirit of the Sea,” to the legend of “The Hanging Tree” in Patchogue, to the Shinnecock Pow Wow inspiring “Earth Wind and Sky,” there is so much here that we weave into our songs.
Not surprisingly, their daughter Autumn has a natural, pitch perfect singing voice. She recently was a student at Theatrics Performing Arts, which is located in Miller Place. There, she was able to hone her creativity and musical skills by learning to focus and follow directions. Theatrics offers a full musical theatre education where students can sing, act, and dance, providing them with a well-rounded musical theater education designed to bring out his or her full potential. Sari Feldman, director, adds that last year “for Halloween our musical director Miss Kate Keating taught the students a fun song called ‘Ghost of John,’ and Autumn loved it! She taught the whole family the song and low and behold a year later, it ends up on their CD! We love that our students get so excited about what they learn. Whether it be a new song, a new dance or learning lines for a scene. We hear stories all the time about how mom ‘had to play the other part” or “my 3 year old brother learned the song too.’ It gets the whole family involved in the magic of music and theatre.”
The family listens to a wide variety of music and believes that it’s very important for kids to have a strong musical foundation. Night says that “we do family music time where we all play musical instruments and make up our own songs. But Autumn will make up songs whenever we are driving somewhere or just walking. Her mind is always immersed in song. She once told me ‘Mommy, I am music,’ and I see how true that is.”
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